Colour in Motion

Encounter every brushstroke within these masterpieces to experience colour in a new way.  

Colour has always been central to art. But during the late 19th and early 20th centuries artists began to apply colour in a revolutionary way, that arguably changed art forever. Three art movements caused this monumental shift: Impressionism, Neo-Impressionism (better known as Pointillism), and Post-Impressionism. 

Claude Monet, hailed as the founder of Impressionism, revolutionised painting outside (en plein air). Using loose brushstrokes, he captured the ever-changing light and colour of the natural landscape in real time. Stemming from Impressionism, the Neo-Impressionists (or Pointillists) George Seurat and Paul Signac loosened their brushstrokes even more. They studied how colours interact with each other and created bright and impactful scenes made up of individualvibrant dots of paint. The Post-Impressionists, like Vincent Van Gogh, took these ideas and pushed them further. Colour exploded and brushstrokes elongated to create more abstract forms. Compositions like Starry Night Over the Rhone, show Van Gogh’s acute sensibility for creating mood and movement through colour. 

Colour in Motion connects you to every brushstroke within these iconic paintings. Using bespoke interactive technology, you can become the artist and paint on a digital canvas. Throw, push, splash every stroke of paint onto the walls and watch the finished artwork emerge.